Tips and Considerations for the Walkthrough of Your New Home
You’ve made the purchase and you’ve been advised that before closing you’ll need to do a walkthrough of your new home. What does that entail? Why does it matter? First of all, Congratulations on the purchase of your new house; exciting times! Now, take a deep breath, and consider the following tips, considerations, and valuable information as you do your walkthrough.

Below is a List of Tips and Considerations As You Prepare to Complete Your Walkthrough

These tips are designed to help you get familiar with the house and to detail items for consideration that will help later. You’ll also want a professional inspector to review your house to mitigate purchase risk.
Other Considerations:
Learn about your new house and educate yourself to review your insurance protection for that new purchase.
For your insurance review:
- Work with your insurance agent to provide details about the purchase. You may have already sent some information to your mortgage lender. If so, re-purpose that detail and forward it to your insurance agent.
- Also send a copy of your last renewal for your car. Why? This is to review your coverage and limits. Scan the document or take a picture and email or text it. This is important now that you are a homeowner. You may need to adjust your coverage as you have more at risk now that you own a home.
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Post updated to include revised printable tipsheet.