Smith-Kenyon Insurance Resources – Our Small Business Spotlight- Insight on Business, The News Hour —
We shine our Small Business Spotlight on Smith-Kenyon Insurance Resources with principal Timothy Smith. Recently Tim moved from San Antonio to the Des Moines Metro. He expanded his business by opening an office in Windsor Heights. We wanted to find out more about his business of protecting his clients which are both commercial and residential and sometimes a mix of both. And, how does technology impact the insurance industry? We asked. Meet Tim Smith in our Small Business Spotlight…
The award winning Insight on Business the News Hour with Michael Libbie is a production of our advertising agency, Insight Advertising, Marketing & Communications and is the only daily, hour-long business news broadcast in the Midwest. You can hear the broadcast Monday – Friday at 5pm on AM-
940 and worldwide here on our Radio Blog. The Business News Hour is made possible through the sponsorship of: The Greater Des Moines Partnership, Iowa Soft Waterof the Des Moines Metro, Aureon of West Des Moines, Iowa Computer Repair of Windsor Heights, ReMax Concepts of the Des Moines Metro, the, The Strudl Haus of Des Moines, Tero International, The Kreamer Law Firm of West Des Moines, The Iowa Business Journals and AARP-Iowa of Des Moines.
Listen to the interview here: